Thank You to All the Dogs Who Have Served (and to all our human vets).

Image by <a href="">kalhh</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a> Thank you Veterans Dogs Who Have Served

Veteran’s Day is this coming Friday and while we always honor our men and women who have served, we’d also like to honor, remember, and thank all the dogs who have served, as well.

Dogs Who Have Served

Dogs have served our country in war, even as far back as the civil war, just as all the men and women have over the years. All of whom we are grateful for and thank immensely for giving us our freedom.

These dogs serve to sniff out bombs, locate wounded or missing soldiers, pass messages on the battlefield, warn of impending attacks, join in the attacks and even capture enemy soldiers, and can even advance into special missions like Cairo, who helped the Navy SEALS, that brought down Osama Bin Laden.

For a few stories of the heroic actions of some dogs who have served visit 6 Historic Military Dogs Who Gave Everything for Their Country at The Veteran’s Site.

Serving Beyond War

Not only do dogs serve our country on the battlefield, but they are a phenomenal resource for our veteran’s back home. Support dogs assist the men and women who have been injured, mentally and/or physically. These dogs serve to help with medical alert and therapy, particularly for PTSD.

Do you have a loved one that served our country and could use a support dog? Try contacting one of these places:

An enormous thank you, to all the dogs who serve to support our men and women!

More Information About Dogs Who Serve

Dogs who have served our country go through just as much training as the men and women who serve. If you’d like to see a peek at what these dogs do, check out the intro video at Four-Legged Fighters.

A heartfelt thank you to all the dogs who have served. And to all the men and women who have served. God Bless You All!