Dog Training Update – Three Years

Pandora recently celebrated her 3rd birthday, and I decided it was time for a training update.

It doesn’t seem like three years, it seems so much shorter and yet, so much longer since Pandora entered our lives. Short, in that our fluffy little ball of puppyhood has grown into a full-fledged dog. And long in that, she’s so much a part of our routine, it’s felt like she’s always been in our lives.

Training Basics

When we got Pandora, I knew we were getting an intelligent breed that can be stubborn and that we really needed to take dog training seriously. I started as soon as I got her home. I was researching how to train this bundle of energy before we got her home. Let’s be clear, I know nothing about training dogs. Or, I didn’t before we got her. I’ve learned a lot over three years.

Pandora picked up some commands very quickly: Sit, look at me, come around (when playing frisbee), leave it (if a piece of food falls on the floor she’s excellent, if a cat sprints by, not so much).

Some of the things I taught Pandora, we use on a regular basis. Others we rarely use. Look at me, is rarely used. Mostly, because I just don’t have a need for it. Every once in a while, I will use it when I want her to understand something. An example would be, “Dad is coming down the driveway, do not bark.” I’ll tell her to look at me and she’ll give me the side-eye better than any surly teenager whose parent dares to utter a word to them in front of friends.

We also have a few commands that are rarely used, but when randomly used Pandora remembers and I’m in awe. An example would be when I put a treat in my hand and put my hand to the side of Pandora’s snout. She won’t grab the food; she’ll give it a glance and then stare at me waiting for the okay. She remembers no matter how long it’s been since used.

The Big Training Update – Walking on leash near vehicles

Pandora hates walking near vehicles. It has been our most difficult training task. Three years is a long time to work on one task, but we are making major progress. No, we have not succeeded in a full walking session on a sidewalk near a road of vehicles. But, we have made huge steps toward that goal.

The Training recipe that is working (currently)

I’ve tried many tips over these years to get Pandora to walk near vehicles. We’ve worked on leash skills, we’ve worked with “high value” treats, and we’ve worked with many other suggestions from trainers, vets, and random people. Desperation does wonders for breaking a person out of their introvert bubble. And we’ve given each method a good fair shot. At least two solid weeks, usually a full month.

Pandora likes control. So do I. Theoretically, we’re a bad pairing. But at least I get that control factor. So, instead of working with her on leash, I began working with her off leash more. I started training her on “with me.” Which means that she is to be by my side. And she does well.

Now, we have a solid training method. First, I incorporated her frisbee into the mix. She thinks some of the things we’ve been doing are all frisbee related. I get her out by the front of the house, put her in a down/wait position as I walk away, then when I get to the back, I call her. She tears around the house, and I throw the frisbee. She has incredible speed and flies after the disc. This wears her out even quicker, during exercise. After a few rounds of that, she has taken the edge off of her energy.

Then, I have her walk up the driveway “with me”. I put her in a sit and get the mail.

Here’s how that has worked:

  • 1. She’s walked willing up to the top of the driveway. The very top, by the road.
  • 2. She chose to meet me at the mailbox, which is on the road.
  • 3. When we head back from our trail walks, I can now get her on the sidewalk of the new development that’s near the trail head.
  • 4. I got her up the driveway, then I had her walk near me, as I walked down the street next to the rock wall that abuts the driveway, with Pandora walking on the rock wall next to me. AND THEN! I put her leash on and had her come down to the road and walk back up, on the street, to the top of the driveway. About twelve yards? Greatest moment yet!
  • 5. We took her to Lowe’s Hardware – and it wasn’t the parking lot that stressed her out, it was the saws. But we got through the parking lot.

Recap on the Training Front:

Yes, it’s taking a long time to get Pandora comfortable walking on the road and being near vehicles. But, the progress is worth it. We still have setbacks. But we keep trying. And we do get more and more progress toward our ultimate goal of walking around the lake or any other area that is near a road.

REMEMBER: Don’t give up. Whatever training you’re struggling with, know that it will happen. You may need to adjust your training techniques, you may need to take a break for a week, you may need to search out new ideas. Whatever it is, try again today. Look for any sign of improvement, even if it’s just that your dog took one extra step toward the goal.

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